Reading Check

1. The most memoriable part of pages 155-213 in the Glass Castle is when Jeannette made friends with Ginnie, the prostitut that had to put money on the table for her 8 young daughters and sons. It was a very surprising chapter because it showed me that even the people with the most demaning jobs can be kind and considerate. The tone and mood was very delightful, showing how emotions can overcome setting, as in positive attitudes can oversee harsh enviormments. The overall message the Author wanted to show was that, nobody should  judge for what you see, you have to get to know somebody better to truely understand their personality and feelings.

 (1)Who does Jeannette meet on the chapter starting, "Little Hobart Street?"
(2) How are all the people Jeannette and Brian meet in these pages similair to one and other?
(3) What were the desperate ways and stragedies the Walls and families had to devise to stay warm for the beinning of the chapter, "Winter Came hard"

3. Jeannette and Brian get revenge on Ernie Goad by throwing numerous amounts of rocks at him.

4. maureen made friends with a lot of different people, so she could have dinner at their houses and spare suffering food loss.

5. The iguana freezes to death in the harsh winter.

6. Erma dies during the last snowfall at the end of the second winter in Welch.

7. Nothing.

8.  A Diamond Ring

9. She wasn't protecting her or being with her enough. bad role model.

10. Hex used Jeannette to obtain money.

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