Short Essay

Prompt: Do you need loving, supportive parents that provide safety, finical secruity and emotional support in order to grow up to be a healthy, happy indivudal?

Body- 4 to 5 quotations that support thesis

               Are kids these days growing up to be poorly influenced? Are they growing up to be outlaws, and maybe just bums on the streets? Parents need to provide loving support and even financial access to help their children grow up in a smart and prosperous adulthood, instead of the wrong way that consist of the wrong path like drugs and violence. Parents need to provide financial support to their young youth for a wealth access into college and other prestigious attributes. Parents need to act as good role models too, showing the right and not the wrong, overall molding their child into the nice and compassionate person. But finally, the most important reason kids need to grow up to be well educated and kind adults is love from their parents. If a child isn’t given love then they will feel left out and meaningless, which is why it is up to the parents in providing lots of loving feeling and emotion to their kin.

             Now, having good financial access from parents to children is always a good thing for kids to have. Not as important as the rest because anyone can transform and evolve into a successful individual without wealth, all it takes is a positive mind and good well-being. Yet, it is quite hard and rare to find most of the world’s youth starting from nothing and growing up to be Robert Dydrek. Most children living the life of Jeannette Walls could wind up even dead. For example, Brian and Jeannette came home to an “empty fridge,” (Walls 110) and had to search for their own food.  Parents that can’t even bring food to the table clearly show that they're most likely incapable of taking care of their children. Thus, will prevent their children from growing up into a happy and fortifying adulthood.

            Following financial support, role models are probably one of the most important reasons for having parent's children grow up to be strong independent adults. Without a good role model, sometimes the child transforms and has mental and physical damage depending on the type of actions their parents brought down upon them. Billy Deel is a young boy met by Jeannette in Battle Mountain that dealt with this issue. His dad was a drunk and never taught him the right and wrong, which is why "he spent time in a detention center in Reno for shoplifting and vandalizing cars" (Walls 82). Parents need to give their kids responsibilities and teach them the right from the wrong, or else their kin might end up as poor Billy; twisted and turned into a juvenal delinquent. Furthermore, parents need to be part of their child's life, instead of caring for just them. They have already lived most of their lives, and now the job should be to raise your children. The most important job of all. Platt's dad, the editor of Bad Parenting by Tom McGrath, got suspended for something extremely inappropriate when he was a high school student. The principle of the school said Platt's punishment was a 3 day in-school detention. Yet, his father asked the principle, "Why don't you make him clean the cafeteria in front of the whole school?" (McGrath 5). Positive parenting is such a great tool in molding their kids for discipline, showing them the punishments of inappropriate and irrational behavior. Good role models are one of the prior responsibilities that parents need to issue their children to cultivate into amenable men and women.

              Lastly, parents need to show love and compassion to kids and teens, especially the ones leading down a long road of depression. Parents now days need to help get their children out of the rut of insecurity by being more sympathetic or any kind way possible. A baby given food and not love will die much quicker rather than a baby with just love. For example when Jeannette's father, Hex, allowed her daughter to pick a star for Christmas. It showed how their parents care for their children and show them all the care free and loving make belief things before they get too old. Jeannette said, Hex "said it was my Christmas present" (Walls 40). But really, it was the gift of her childhood, because allowing emotions flow throughout parents and children relationships. It levels out uncontrollable stress, especially to young kids who could grow up depressed and might go through anxiety. But overall, parents showing compassion to the young ones will help them grow up into a strong and healthy individual.

         All in all, In order for children to grow up into prosperous and strong individual adults they must have the correct guidelines and guidance from their parents. Today's college students grow up to be filled with narcissism from pushy parents wanting their children to be on top of the world from going to elite colleges. They may become bums or violent criminals living off the street, or even just depressed or lonely individuals depending on others company. Yet, if parents provide financial support, send a good message to their kids by becoming good role models, and giving love and compassion to their younger babies then they will thrive in becoming robust adults.



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